Friday, September 27, 2013

When my get up and go got up and went

After my personal training session on Monday. I felt amped. I knew I needed to rest my muscles on Tuesday, but I really really wanted to work out. However, I resisted. Wednesday my time management was TOTALLY OFF. By the time I finished the emails and phone calls I needed to make, I realized I only had an hour and a half before I needed to be at my next meeting and that did not allow enough time for the gym. I figured I would just do a late night gym time. I even packed a bag in my car. However, I didn't get out of church until 10pm! I decided just to go to bed and try again Thursday.  Thursday rolled around and my get up and go, got up and went.

This was me Thursday Morning.....

I am not sure where my motivation went. I feel like I don't have anything to look forward to doing. For example, I'm bored with the food I'm eating...therefore I don't look forward to eating...and I generally avoid it. But I'm hungry so I have to eat.

Same with work outs. I don't look forward to the workouts because I know its going to hurt and I know it's going to be uncomfortable on many levels. With my workout on Thursday, I just could not bring myself to do the weights. I thought well maybe when I get home I will do them in the comfort of my own home. Nope.

I feel like now that I only have about 10 pounds left to lose everything is getting harder. Sometimes, midweek I weigh myself to see if I'm on track and the scale will tell me that I've gained 4 pounds since my last weigh in only a few days prior. Then I get all discouraged and frustrated. Also, I get frustrated that it has taken me 7 weeks to even get to this point. AND I'm also worried that this is how it will have to be FOREVER. From now on for the rest of my life will I have to work out super hard at the gym and will I have to eat a strict diet?!

I think if I had a very specific event I wanted to look good for or a certain outfit I wanted to fit in that would help. However, I don't. Also, if people noticed that I have been getting in shape, I think that would help.

But no one has. 

On a positive note, I got called in to audition for an athletic modeling job today. Whether or not I get it is a different story...but it was cool to be considered. They asked me what sports I liked to play. I laughed on the inside and then made something up.

I got dis. No big deal. 

I think to make this process more fun, on my "Rest" days, I will do a fun activity-maybe not necessarily a "workout" but more like something that is fun AND active.  I think in order to make this healthy lifestyle sustainable - I need to enjoy being active.

Michelle knows what's up.

Wed 9/25

2 pills with water

2 slices turkey bacon
1 cup bell peppers
3 egg whites
1 slice rye toast
1 cup of coffee

2 pills with water @4:30

Meal 2 @ 5pm

1 quinoa veggie burger sans bun
1 cup of mixed fruit
Iced Tea

Meal 3 @ 6pm
1 small chicken taco with corn tortilla

Meal 4 @ 10pm

1/2 cup greek yogurt with granola sprinkled on top

Thurs 9/26

1 cup of coffee @ 11am

2 pills with water

Meal 1
3 egg whites w/chopped turkey & 1 cup of yellow bell peppers
1 slice of rye toast
glass of water


Work out
15 minutes cardio
30 reps 4 sets crunches
10 minutes cardio
30 reps 4 sets of bicycles
Lots of stretching - still very tight from Monday's workout

Miraculously was bright red in the face and dripping with sweat

Protein shake
Bottle of water

Meal 2
2 slices of turkey
1 cup of baked kale chips

2 cups of hot tea

Meal 3
1/2 cup of greek yogurt
1/2 cup of granola

glass of water

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